Monday, May 13, 2013

Nakamori Akina - Days

This is my favorite among the "new" songs by Akina.  Well, this song was released in 2003 but I consider it "new" because she hasn't released a lot of new songs in the past 10 years anyway.  Again, Akina wrote the lyrics herself.  Enjoy!



いつからこんなに あなたを感じてたのか
溢れるほどの 光に見えて

いつでもあなたは 気遣う瞳の中で
苦しみまでも 癒す強さと
やさしさに 包まれ

このまま このまま
この願いあつめて 苦しい日々に閉ざされてても
あの日をくれた あなたを守りたい

涙が溢れて 言葉出なくなるほどの

このまま このまま
今愛信じて 激しい風にさらされてても
もう迷いはしないわ 生まれ変われた
今なら こわくない

この願いあつめて 苦しい日々に閉ざされてても
今愛信じて 激しい風にさらされてても
あの日をくれた あなたを守るため


Composer: Oda Tetsuro
Lyrics: Nakamori Akina

Since when did I have such a feeling about you?
As if being shone upon by an overpowering light
So visible is the extent sorrow has descended upon you

No matter when
Inside your anxious eyes
Even pain is found
Wrapped inside the refuge of your healing strength and your tenderness

And so it goes
And so it goes
I have collected this wish
Even when trapped inside painful times
From now, let that become strength
You who have given me those cherishable days
I desire to guard and protect you

Overwhelming tears have immobilized my words
Wrapping all the fond memories
Let my love become stronger

And so it goes
And so it goes
Now I believe in love
Even though I am exposed under violent winds
Already I am not bewildered
I was able to be reborn
And now I am not frightened

I have collected this wish
Even when trapped inside painful darkness
I now believe in love
Even when exposed under violent winds
Let that become strength to overcome
For the reason of guarding you
Who have given me those cherishable days

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