Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Murashita Kozo - Fuyu Monogatari (冬物語)

When I first heard this song, it was Hong Kong singer Sandy Lamb's (林姍姍) "Maybe we were too young" (也許當時我們年紀小).  I didn't know that it's a Japanese song at that time.  In the past few years, as I listened to more and more Japanese songs, I finally found out that this was from Murashita Kozo (村下孝蔵).  Before I understand the lyrics, even though I could feel that it's a sad song, I didn't realize how sad it was.  Especially the last paragraph, I think it's just too sad.



去年の秋と 何も変わらない
あなただけがいない この街にはいない
今年の秋を 枯葉が埋める

迷い込んだ心 漂う街角
降り出しそうな空 震えてる小枝が
僕を写している 窓ガラスに爪を立てる

それぞれの風が 胸を凍らせてく
冬物語 静かに始まる
やがて白い雪が 悲しみを被って
洗い流して 春をむかえるよ

掴みきれないもの それが夢なんだと
わかっていたならば 目かくししたまま
一人部屋の中で 生きていればいいと
なだめているように 時計台が心叩く

A Winter Tale

Composer, Lyrics: Murashita Kozo

Whilst walking I stepped onto the shadow of the clock tower
Nothing has changed since last autumn
Only you are not here
You are nowhere to be found on this street
Withered leaves have buried this year's autumn

Tiny happiness remains out of grasp
My heart, sunk into confusion, is floating around the street corner
Under the sky of looming rain
Small tree branches are shaking
Erecting their claws
In the glass window carrying my reflection

Each and every passing wind continues to freeze my heart
The tale of winter has quietly begun
Soon, white snow will cover the sorrows
Wash them away
And spring will be welcomed

Things that are out of grasp
I think they are my dreams
If I had realized it earlier
I think it would have been best for me
To live alone in a room blindfolded
And as if to soothe me
Let the clock tower strike my heart

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